13 February 2025

Studyıng ın Germany

My Personal Research and Experıences

Answers to your difficult questions about Expatrio

The Expatrio Blocked Account is a type of account designed for foreign nationals who want to apply for a student visa, language visa, or job search visa in Germany. This account is used to ensure that individuals living in Germany can cover their daily living expenses and meet the financial security requirements needed for their visa application. Expatrio is a financial service provider that manages these types of accounts.

The Expatrio Blocked Account is a type of account designed for foreign nationals who want to apply for a student visa, language visa, or job search visa in Germany. This account is used to ensure that individuals living in Germany can cover their daily living expenses and meet the financial security requirements needed for their visa application. Expatrio is a financial service provider that manages these types of accounts.

The Expatrio Blocked Account is a type of account designed for foreign nationals who want to apply for a student visa, language visa, or job search visa in Germany. This account is used to ensure that individuals living in Germany can cover their daily living expenses and meet the financial security requirements needed for their visa application. Expatrio is a financial service provider that manages these types of accounts.

  • Required for visa application: Students or individuals applying for a job search visa must prove sufficient financial resources through such accounts before starting their life in Germany.
  • Simplifies the visa process: This account shows that the individual is financially independent and will not rely on government assistance. While this is not the only way to prove financial stability (there is also an option to show sponsorship), it is the most reputable method.
  • The deposited money can be withdrawn in limited amounts monthly: A certain amount of money is blocked and can be withdrawn each month.

There are a few authorized organizations for opening a blocked account, but Expatrio is the most commonly used because it simplifies the process, making it a popular choice for many people. You can access the guide for opening the account in my article “Expatrio Blocked Account Guide.

Since many people encounter various situations, I’ve tried to gather the most common questions below.

Is Opening an Expatrio Blocked Account Free?

To open an Expatrio blocked account, you need to pay a fee of 69 Euros as of the 2024 rate. Additionally, a service fee of 5 Euros will be charged monthly throughout the duration of the blocked account. The money you deposit into the blocked account will be paid to you in equal monthly installments.

You can access the guide for opening the blocked account here.

How Many Days Does it Take to Open an Expatrio Blocked Account?

Your Expatrio blocked account can be opened within 2 to 5 days. The account approval usually takes 1 day, and it is completed after the money transfer is made. One of the main factors affecting the duration of this process is how you make the money transfer.

If you use SWIFT (international money transfer), depending on the option you select, your money will be delivered either on the same day, the next day, or within 3-4 days.

Since Expatrio checks money transfers once a day, if you choose the same-day delivery option, your account will be opened by the next day at the latest. However, keep in mind that you will need to pay a higher transfer fee to your bank for this option.

You can access the guide for opening the blocked account here.

When Can I Start Withdrawing Money from My Blocked Account?

After opening a blocked account and obtaining your German visa, you will need to open a local bank account in Germany upon arrival. Once you open the account and activate it on Expatrio’s website, the monthly payments will be automatically deposited into your account.

Opening a bank account in Germany can sometimes be a complicated process. Therefore, I recommend purchasing the “Value Package.” This way, you can have a valid bank account in Germany and obtain a bank card.

If you plan to do this, you can get an additional 15 EUR discount by entering the reference “recepdayi” in the INVITATION CODE section during registration.

You can access the guide for opening the blocked account here.

Does Expatrio Offer Health Insurance?

Yes, you will need health insurance for the duration of your stay in Germany. Expatrio offers the option to purchase private health insurance.

If you want to join the public health insurance system (and if you plan to work in Germany later), it’s advisable to opt for the public system. If you start with private insurance, you won’t be able to switch to the public system later and will have to continue with private insurance.

For detailed information on the public health insurance system, you can refer to my article “Germany Health Insurance for Students” If you prefer private insurance, the insurance offered by Expatrio is quite reasonable.

You can access the guide for opening the blocked account here.

What happens to my Blocked Account if I am refused a visa?

If your visa application is rejected, you have the option to withdraw the funds from your blocked account or leave them as is if you plan to reapply for the visa. The “06” document issued by Expatrio has an expiration date; you can use this document for visa applications until that date.

You can access the guide for opening the blocked account here.

How can I get Expatrio Health Insurance?

After creating your account as described in the guide I prepared for you, you can directly add the health insurance package from the homepage. By adding health insurance on the Expatrio portal, you will also upgrade to the Value Package and receive a refund of the account opening fee. If you plan to do this, you can get an additional 15 EUR discount by entering the reference “recepdayi” in the INVITATION CODE section during registration.

In order for the person using the coupon code to receive a discount, they must purchase the Value Package. Since the campaign may vary, even if you don’t purchase the Value Package, it’s worth entering the code just in case.

You can access the guide for opening the blocked account here.

I have a blocked account with Expatrio. I am going to Germany. Which bank would you recommend I link my blocked account to for a fast and smooth process?

There are many options for both national and local banks in Germany. However, applications to banks can only be made individually. Research the banks in the city you are going to, as some may offer options such as online account opening.

However, opening a bank account in Germany can become quite a complicated process. Therefore, I recommend purchasing the “Value Package.” This way, you can have a valid bank account in Germany and obtain a bank card. If you plan to do this, you can get an additional 15 EUR discount by entering the reference “recepdayi” in the INVITATION CODE section during registration.

You can access the guide for opening the blocked account here.

How can I get the money back from my blocked account if I decide to leave Germany earlier than planned?

When you leave Germany, if there is still cash in your blocked account or if you haven’t activated it yet, you can get the money back from the blocked account using a document called Sperrfreigabe. To obtain this document, you will need to contact the Foreigners’ Office.

There is also a document called Abmeldebestätigung, which should be obtained about a week before you leave Germany. This document is required to cancel your address registration in Germany. Health insurance and communication tax cancellation also occur with this Abmeldebestätigung.

Since Germany is a federal state, procedures can vary from city to city, but generally, the document can be obtained from the Foreigners’ Office with your return flight ticket.

You can access the guide for opening the blocked account here.

I was told to only write the reference text in the description when sending the blocked account fee, but it is stated that it should be at least 10 characters long, while mine is only 6 characters. Because of this, the bank is not approving it. What should I do?

This issue can occur with some banks. You can complete the transfer by adding enough ‘X’ characters at the end of the reference text.

You can access the guide for opening the blocked account here.

I will be going to Germany with conditional acceptance. What should I choose on Expatrio?

If you have received Bedingter Zulass from the university, you should select the “Language Course” option.

You can access the guide for opening the blocked account here.

I am currently in Germany and have decided to extend my stay, but my Expatrio account was automatically closed on the day I received my last payment, so I need to reopen it. How can I do that?

You can create your account again using the same account. After transferring your money and getting approval from the Foreigners’ Office, you can activate it. Unfortunately, you will need to pay the account opening fee again.

You can access the guide for opening the blocked account here.

Can I change the bank of my blocked account after opening it at the bank and opening my account with Expatrio?

Yes, you can change it. There is no fee for this. You can make the change through the Expatrio portal.

You can access the guide for opening the blocked account here.

I had to postpone the departure date I provided to Expatrio to a later date due to some problems, but I need to pay the first month’s fee for the dormitory. From what I understand, I can’t activate my blocked account before traveling. What should I do?

You cannot activate your account before entering Germany. The logic behind the blocked account is to ensure that you can cover your living expenses while in Germany. During activation, your location is verified, confirming your presence in Germany. In short, you cannot complete this process from outside Germany, and attempting to do so could cause issues later. I do not recommend it.

You can access the guide for opening the blocked account here.

My departure date to Germany has been delayed due to some issues. How can I retrieve the blocked amounts for the past months from Expatrio?

The activation of the blocked account is based on the date you enter Germany. The blocked account is activated starting from that date.

You can access the guide for opening the blocked account here.

Do I need to deposit the exact amount into Expatrio, or can I deposit more?

I do not recommend depositing more than the required amount. Any excess amount you deposit will be added to your final monthly installment and transferred to your account. However, ensure that no bank fees are deducted from the amount during the transfer. To avoid this, you should select the “OUR” option when making the SWIFT transfer.

You can access the guide for opening the blocked account here.

The dates of the health insurance I arranged through Expatrio do not match my visa dates. What can I do?

The start date of your insurance should match the date you request for your visa on the visa application form. If they do not match, you can update the dates from the page containing your personal information on your Expatrio profile. Afterward, download your insurance policies again, and the dates will be updated.

You can access the guide for opening the blocked account here.

My residence permit is about to expire, and I have applied for an extension. Do I have to open a blocked account again?

This depends on the state you are in and your financial situation. Some states may not require it, while others may ask you to open a blocked account again. Therefore, it would be helpful to consult the relevant authority for clarification.

You can access the guide for opening the blocked account here.

I opened a bank account through Expatrio with the Value Package. Can I withdraw money from my blocked account with this sublease agreement without completing the Anmeldung?

While opening a bank account in Germany typically requires an “Anmeldung” (address registration), accounts opened through Expatrio can be activated with a sublease agreement. You can search for example agreements by typing “Untermietvertrag” on Google.

You can access the guide for opening the blocked account here.

Your feedback is very important to me, for any questions you may have, you can reach me at recep[at]recepdayi.com.tr e-mail address, my social media accounts or the comment section below.

1 thought on “Answers to your difficult questions about Expatrio

  1. Good evening,
    My name is Frau Taubensee. I sponsored a student with Expartrio blocked account from my savings.Now I realized that she cancelled her Visa and she is trying to close the account and get the money back.
    How can Expatrio help me not to give the money back to her since she’s in Africa and once she receives the money, I’ll never get it back. I have all the transactions.
    How can you advise me to do?

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