Universities Accepting TestAs Exam 2024

Below you will find a list of universities that recognize TestAS. This list is not guaranteed, as the number of German universities accepting the TestAS is constantly changing and expanding. You can find the most up-to-date information on the schools’ application pages.

For most universities, participation in the TestAS is optional as part of your application to the school. In these cases, the participant can decide for himself/herself whether or not to submit the test result to the university (if the result is considered not high enough).

If you have an above-average TestAS result, your university entrance qualification grade (HZB grade) is usually raised. You can find more information about the HZB grade, for example, on the website of uni-assist e.V: http://www.uni-assist.de. Or see my article “What is the HZB?“.

TestAs generally only apply to non-EU applicants who have not obtained their HZB in Germany and are applying for a Bachelor’s degree program in Germany. Therefore, for all foreign applicants without EU citizenship or a German Abitur degree, you may be required to take this test when applying to certain schools in Germany. 

In some schools, the TestAS is also used instead of the “HZB” qualification. I have listed these schools below.

At the following universities, the TestAS is required for certain courses:

The TestAS exam consists of two parts, the Kerntest and the Fach module. I have designed study books for preparation for the Kerntest. The books with more than 500 solved questions are available for sale on amazon from the links above. I hope it will be useful.

Schools where TestAS is mandatory

University of Cologne

The university is one of the schools in Germany that requires TestAS results for admission. The minimum percentile rank depends on your choice of study. It is the average of the achieved minimum percentile rank of the core test and the field of study specific module. The paper-based TestAS and the digital TestAS are accepted.

FacultyModule Test to be taken with the Core TestRequired Minimum Average Score
Faculty of Management, Economics 
and Social Sciences
Faculty of LawHUM40
Faculty of MedicineMEDICINE (MED)85
Faculty of Arts and HumanitiesHUM40
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural SciencesMATBiochemistry – 75
Biology – 45
Others – 40
Faculty of Human SciencesHUM
HUM / MATH (Psychology only)
All teacher training degree coursesHUM40
TestAS score table required for University of Cologne application

You can take the exam in English or German.

Source: https://portal.uni-koeln.de/tr/international/study-in-cologne/international-applications/application-for-bachelor-studies-state-examination/application-procedure-for-non-eu-citizens-with-formal-university-entrance-qualification-studienstart-international-integrale


RWTH Aachen University

Another university in Germany that makes TestAS results compulsory for applications. Unlike the University of Cologne. When applying to RWTH, you must take the TestAS in German. Applicants for Medicine and Dentistry must be in the top 20% of the test. For the other departments, the best 30% is considered sufficient. The effect of these scores on placement is the subject of a separate article, so I have only mentioned the required percentage here. Exceptionally, you can be exempted from the TestAS if your NC grade is better than 2.5. The table below shows which module test you have to take for which faculty. Visit the links for my articles about Aachen and RWTH from a student’s perspective.

FacultyHumanities, Cultural Studies and Social Sciences EngineeringMathematics, Computer Science and Natural SciencesEconomy
Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural SciencesXX
Construction EngineeringXX
Mechanical EngineeringXX
Earth Sciences and Materials EngineeringXX
Electrical Engineering and Information TechnologyXX
Arts and HumanitiesX
Business and EconomicsX
Faculty of EducationXXXX
Tests required for RWTH Aachen University application

Source: https://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/Studium/Vor-dem-Studium/Zugangsvoraussetzungen/Zugangsvoraussetzung-fuer-den-Bachelor-un/Zugangsvoraussetzungen-fuer-internationa/~ermyx/TestAS-fuer-internationale-Studienbewerb/lidx/1/


University of Hamburg

The University of Hamburg is one of the universities that gives a bonus for TestAS results in all degree programs. The university explains the rules transparently. TestAS is not compulsory, but you can receive a total of 6 bonus points for a TestAS result in the core and module tests. 

  • 1 bonus point for TestAS scores between 106-111 points
  • 2 Bonus points in the TestAS 112-117 point range
  • You can get 3 bonus points in the TestAs 118-130 points range.

The table below shows which module test you need to take for which faculty.

Program at the University of HamburgTestAS Module Test to be taken
Business Management (Undergraduate)
Economics (Undergraduate)
Business Informatics (B.Sc.)
Business Mathematics (B.Sc.)
Industrial Engineering (B.Sc.)
Social Economics (BA)
Chinese Economy and Culture (BA)
All Bachelor of Arts courses and Psychology (B.Sc.)Humanities, Cultural Studies and Social Sciences
All Bachelor of Science courses as well as Medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, movement science (BA) and prehistoric and early historical archaeology (BA)Mathematics, computer science, natural sciences
Industrial Engineering (B.Sc.)Engineering

TestAS tests required for bonus points in the University of Hamburg application

You can take the exam in English or German. If you are curious, you can read my articles about the University of Hamburg and being a student in Hamburg.

Source: https://www.uni-hamburg.de/campuscenter/studienorganisation/formulare-informationsmerkblaetter/zulassungskriterien-bewerbung-nicht-eu.pdf


University of Bremen

TestAS is compulsory for foreign students when applying to the Business Administration and Economics programs at the University of Bremen. The core test and the Economics subject test of TestAS must be taken in German. You can use the links for my articles about the city of Bremen and the University.

Source: https://www.uni-bremen.de/studium/orientieren-bewerben/studienplatzbewerbung/bewerbungen-aus-dem-ausland/bewerbungen-nicht-eu


Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg

International applicants to the Medicine and Dentistry programs at the University of Magdeburg must take the TestAS subject module “Mathematics, computer science, natural sciences” in German. The TestAS score has a 49% effect on placement.

Source: https://www.med.uni-magdeburg.de/aaa.html


TestAS is more prominent in applications for Medicine and Dentistry.

University of Bielefeld

Bielefeld University requires all international applicants for all undergraduate programs to score at least 90 points in the Core test and subject module of TestAS. You can check my school articles about Bielefeld.

Source: https://www.uni-bielefeld.de/studium/studieninteressierte/international/studium-mit-abschluss/bewerbung/


University of Greifswald

The University of Greifswald also requires foreign applicants to the Medicine and Dentistry programs to score at least 100 points on the TestAS Core Test. The test can be taken in English or German. The test result has a 50% effect on the admission score.


Johannes Guttenberg University Mainz

The University of Mainz also offers a bonus for TestAS results in all degree programs. The university explains the rules transparently. TestAS is not compulsory, but it is possible to reduce your NC, which is converted to the German grading system, by a total of 1 point with the TestAS test result in the core and module tests. The bonuses you will receive according to the score ranges in the core test and subject test are as follows;

Your TestAS score (calculated separately for Core Test and module test)NC improvement (points)

Mainz University TestAS bonus score table

TestAS module tests that you need to take according to the program you are applying for in order to receive bonus points

Program to ApplyMust-Have TestAS Subject Module
Economics and BusinessEconomy
Mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, medicine, dentistry, psychology, pharmacy, geographyMathematics, computer science, natural sciences
diğer tüm dersler, örneğin (hukuk, ilahiyat, müzik, diller)Humanities, Cultural Studies and Social Sciences

TestAS subjects required for bonus points in the Mainz University application

Source: https://www.studium.uni-mainz.de/testas/

Use these links if you are interested in Mainz city or school.


Heidelberg University

Heidelberg University uses TestAS scores as selection criteria for applications to Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy. Unlike other schools, TestAS results can also be used as a bonus when applying for a Master’s degree at Heidelberg University. The extent to which this affects the selection criteria is not disclosed. For the Bachelor’s degree program, you must take the module “Mathematics, computer science, natural sciences”. 

Source: https://www.uni-heidelberg.de/md/zentral/international/uni_assist_engl.pdf


University of Ulm

Foreign applicants to the Medicine and Dentistry programs at the University of Ulm must also take the TestAS subject module “Mathematics, computer science, natural sciences” in German. The TestAS score has a 50% effect on the placement. A score of 125 points or more on the TestAS corresponds to an NC of 1.0. The lower the score, the lower the NC grade by 1 point.

Source: https://www.uni-ulm.de/fileadmin/website_uni_ulm/studium/zulassung_und_immatrikulation/ausl%C3%A4ndische_studienbewerber/Auswahlverfahren_Medizin_und_Zahnmedizin_032018.pdf


University of Freiburg

At the University of Freiburg, the TestAS result is only taken into account in the selection process for the Medicine and Dentistry programs. Taking the time and effort to take the TestAS is considered an important criterion by the selection committee when applying to the University of Freiburg. You can access my articles about the city of Freiburg and the University of Freiburg from the links.

A score of 111 and above in the TestAS core test and the subject module “Mathematics, computer science, natural sciences” brings you a significant bonus. If you score 118 and above, it is possible to increase your NC grade by 1.2.

Source: https://www.studium.uni-freiburg.de/en/application/international-student-admissions/full-time-studies-folder/testas


University of Göttingen

For applications to Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Göttingen, the TestAS core test and participation in the subject modules in mathematics, computer science and natural sciences are a compulsory part of the application process. In addition to the university entrance qualification and the score for the selection interview, the TestAS is one of the three entrance and admission requirements. 

Only your subject module score will be taken into account in the TestAS bonus assessment. If your TestAS subject module results are in the top 30%, your NC grade will be improved by 0.3 points. You can receive an additional bonus of 0.1 points for a TestAS score between 91 and 103, 0.2 points for a TestAS score between 104 and 117, and 0.3 points for a TestAS score of 118 and above. 

You can take the test in English or German. However, if you take the test in English, you must submit a German translation of the result certificate. You can access my articles about Göttingen and Göttingen University from the links.

Source: https://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/511340.html


Halle-Wittenberg University

Halle University supports TestAS to improve the admission score for undergraduate programs. Applicants who score above 80 percent in both the core and module tests receive a 0.2 point bonus.

Source : https://www.uni-halle.de/ssc/bewerbungsinformationen/ba-ma-studium/


University of Leipzig

For all programs with admission restrictions, the University of Leipzig improves your NC grade by up to 0.4 points based on the results of the TestAS exam. If your score in the TestAS Core Test and Subject module is in the top 10%, you will receive a bonus of 0.2 points for each test.

Source: https://www.uni-leipzig.de/fileadmin/ul/Dokumente/200630_Rahmensatzung-Zulassungsbeschr%C3%A4nkung.pdf


University of Münster

The University of Münster is making improvements to the NC score for foreign applicants to study medicine and dentistry based on their TestAS results. For applications to these programs, the school applies three different bonus scales based on the score of foreign students in the “Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences” module test.

TestAS result (standard value of the subject module “Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences”)Bonus points
Standard value 100-1100.2
Standard value 111-1200.4
Standard value 121-1300.6

Source: https://www.uni-muenster.de/studieninteressierte/en/zulassung/bachelor.html


Goethe University of Frankfurt

Frankfurt Goethe University requires foreign students to take the TestAS Core Test and the module test “Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences” for the Bachelor’s degree programs in Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Biochemistry (B.Sc.). You must take the test in German.

For admissions to the University of Frankfurt, your NC score accounts for 51% of the selection process, including 19% of the remaining TestAS core test result and 30% of the result from the “Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences” module of the TestAS. 

Your TestAS result is calculated by deducting 0.1 for each point deduction to correspond to a 1.0 NC score of 120 and above. Scores of 90 points and below do not need to be submitted, they will be considered as 5.0 NC.

Source: https://www.goethe-university-frankfurt.de/88833801/Medicine_and_Dentistry__Non_EU_citizien?

You can access my articles on Frankfurt and my comments about the University from the links.


University of Giessen

The University of Giessen also requires the TestAS for Medicine and Dentistry. There is no obligation to take the test in German. You can receive a bonus for scores above 80 on the TestAS Core Test and the “Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences” module test. For scores of 123 and above, the highest bonus is given. You can access my articles about Giessen from this link.

Source: https://www.uni-giessen.de/internationales/studierenjlu/bewerbung/gs/mediziner


Medical University of Hannover (MHH)

The Medical University of Hannover is, as the name suggests, a university with only Medicine and Dentistry programs. For applications to these programs, the school requires foreign students to take the “Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences” module test. Only the subject module score is used as a criterion for the application assessment. The TestAS is a criterion in the assessment on a par with the HZB grade and a score above 126 is considered NC 1.0.

Source: https://www.mhh.de/fileadmin/mhh/medizin-studiengang/downloads/Ordnungen_Leitbild/2019_01_24_Ordnung_Auswahlverfahren_international.pdf


See what I wrote about Hannover and my introduction to MHH.

University of Tübingen

The University of Tübingen is one of the schools that offers TestAS bonuses for all programs at the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Economics and Business Administration, International Economics, International Business Management and all other admission-restricted programs.

If you submit your TestAS test result in your application to the University of Tübingen, you will receive a bonus for a score above 100 points and can improve your HZB score. The school gives bonus points separately for the Core Test and the Subject test. The bonus table is below;

Your TestAS score (calculated separately for Core Test and module test)NC improvement (points)

University of Tübingen TestAS bonus points table

Source: https://uni-tuebingen.de/international/studierende-aus-dem-ausland/bewerbung-fuer-internationale-studierende/


Technical University of Hamburg

The Technical University of Hamburg requires you to score at least 100 points in the TestAS Core Test and the Subject Test (Engineering) for all engineering programs. If your score is higher, you will be allowed to transfer between engineering programs. Click for my Hamburg city introduction article.

For example, you were placed in Mechanical Engineering in the university exam, if your TestAS score is above 100 points, you have the chance to study Computer Engineering at TUHH.

Source: https://www.tuhh.de/tuhh/studium/bewerbung/bachelorstudiengaenge/bewerber/innen-mit-nicht-deutschem-abitur.html


TestAS can significantly increase your chances of admission to German universities.

University of Würzburg

The University of Würzburg recommends taking the TestAS for the Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy programs. Although it is not mandatory for the application, it is an additional selection criterion. Unfortunately, the university does not disclose to what extent the TestAS results influence the selection.

Source: https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/international/studieren-in-wuerzburg/studium-mit-abschlussziel/bewerbung/medizin-zahnmedizin-und-pharmazie/


Schools where TestAS is not mandatory but an additional selection criterion

Apart from the universities mentioned above, TestAS is recommended, although not compulsory, in some universities. Schools that offer TestAS use it as an additional selection criterion and a high TestAS result will increase your chances of admission.

University of Regensburg: https://www.uni-regensburg.de/zentrum-sprache-kommunikation/daf/pruefungen/testas/index.html

University of Siegen:

Berlin School of Economics and Law : https://www.hwr-berlin.de/studium/studiengaenge/bewerbungsdetail/7-international-business-management/

University of Applied Sciences Mittweida : https://www.studium.hs-mittweida.de/en/bewerbung/application-instructions-for-international-applicants/application-documents/

Technical University of Telecommunications and Informatics Leipzig : https://www.hft-leipzig.de/de/start.html?file=5112&nrc-fal-filelinks-delivery-dispatcher=&cHash=86fe63fcca88b89900d5a3fe227227b9

Technical University of Chemnitz : https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/studierendenservice/studserv/bewerbung/bew_bamala.php.en

University of Applied Sciences Berlin : https://www.htw-berlin.de/en/studies/applications/admission-requirements/voluntary-academic-assessment-test/#c23118

University of Applied Sciences Würzburg : https://www.fhws.de/en/services-and-support/application-enrolment-exams-internship/admission-and-enrolment/

FH Aachen : https://www.fh-aachen.de/en/university/freshman/entrance-exams

Lübeck Üniversitesi : https://www.uni-luebeck.de/fileadmin/uzl_hochschulrecht/Bekanntmachungen/Satzungen_2020/200121_Auswahlsatzung_Bildungsauslaender_innen_ErsteAe.pdf

University Lüneburg : https://www.leuphana.de/en/college/application/international-applications/admission/admission-non-eu-eea-applicants.html

HS Wismar : https://www.hs-wismar.de/storages/hs-wismar/HSW_zentral/Studium/Vor_dem_Studium/Bewerben_und_Einschreiben/info_sheet_for_foreign_applicants_fin_260412.pdf

Universities where TestAS provides HZB conditions

University of Wuppertal

For applications to the University of Wuppertal, a score of 95 in the TestAS Core test and 100 in the subject module is considered a HZB qualification.

Source: https://www.uni-wuppertal.de/de/internationales/internationale-studierende/bewerbung-zulassung/studium-mit-abschluss/testas/

Westfalische Hochschule (Gelsenkirchen, Bocholt, Recklinghausen )

At the Westfalische Hochschule, a score of 95 in the TestAS Core test and 95 in the subject module is considered a HZB qualification.

Source: https://www.w-hs.de/studium/internationales-und-sprachen/gefluechtete-an-der-wh/faqs/testas/

Niederrhein Hochschule

At the Niederrhein Hochschule, a score of 90 in the TestAS Core test and 90 in the subject module counts as a HZB qualification.

Source: https://www.hs-niederrhein.de/international/degree-seeking-students/#c340972

Bochum Hochschule

At the Hochschule Bochum, the TestAS Core test and the subject module HZB qualification are counted for applications.

Source: https://www.hochschule-bochum.de/die-bo/wichtige-einrichtungen/international-office/wege-an-die-bo/internationale-bewerberinnen/

I hope the above explanations will help you. Please share, your suggestions are valuable to me. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can reach me at recep[at]recepdayi.com.tr e-mail address and my social media accounts. I wish you all a successful exam.

2 thoughts on “Universities Accepting TestAs Exam 2024

  1. Amazing content. I am doing Studienkollege but I have fear I won’t make it due to other personal reasons like working etc. Testas gives me hope to study at a German university without HZB.

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