Almanya’da 400’den fazla üniversite var ve bunlardan 54’ü 2021 yılı listelerine göre dünya sıralamasında ilk 1000 üniversite sıralamasına giriyor. Ama okul seçerken okulların sıralamasından önce pek çok farklı kriteri dikkate almalısınız. Bana sorarsanız en önemli kriterlerin başında okuyacağınız ve dolayısı ile bu süre içerisinde yaşayacağınız şehir ve ulaşım olanakları gelmeli. Buna ek olarak seçeceğiniz okulun seçtiğiniz program konusundaki araştırma odakları eğitim kalitesi açısından fikir verecektir. Almanya’daki en tanınmış üniversitelerin bir haritasını aşağıda paylaşıyorum.
Uluslararası derecelendirme kuruluşlarının sıralamaları daha çok araştırma çıktılarının yoğunluğuna orantılıdır. Bununla birlikte Alman üniversiteleri araştırmalarını okuldan çok bağımsız araştırma enstitülerinde yürütürler. Bu nedenle Alman üniversitelerini sıralamalarda çok yukarılarda göremeyebilirsiniz. Bununla ilgili daha önce bir makale yazmıştım. Merak ederseniz onuda inceleyin. ( Alman üniversiteleri uluslararası sıralamalarda neden kötü performans gösteriyorlar )
Bu durumu açıkladıktan sonra hep savunduğum başka bir sıralama metoduna dikkat çekmek istiyorum. Reel Sektör HR yöneticilerinin Alman üniversite mezunlarına bakışları akademik çevreden farklı sıralamalar ortaya koyar. Bu sıralamalarla ilgili pek çok makale yazdım. Bu makalelere de aşağıdaki linklerden erişebilirsiniz.
- Almanya’da Endüstri Mühendisliği İçin En İyi Üniversiteler 2023
- Almanya’da Elektrik Mühendisliği İçin En İyi Üniversiteler 2023
- Almanya’da Makine Mühendisliği İçin En İyi Üniversiteler 2023
- Almanya’da Tıp ve Diş Hekimliği Okunacak En İyi 10 Üniversite
- Almanya’da Bilişim-İnformatik Okunacak En İyi Üniversiteler 2023
- İşverenlerin Gözünden Almanya’nın en iyi 17 üniversitesi 2023
- Almanya’daki En İyi Tıp Fakülteleri Listesi 2023
Almanyada Üniversite Eğitimi
Almanya’da üniversite eğitimi oldukça ciddiye alınır ve sıkı standartlara bağlıdır. Üniversite girişlerinde herhangi bir giriş sınavı yoktur. Alman öğrencilerin diploma notları sıralamayı belirler ( abitur ). Türk öğrencilerin başvurularında ise YKS’de aldıkları puanlar sıralamayı belirleyen kriterdir. Bazı programlar sınırsız kontenjana sahiptir ( NC frei ) ve herkese kabul verir. Bu tür programlarda kabul almak kolay iken okuldan mezuniyet son derece zor olabilir. Pek çok öğrenci programların zorluğundan başvuruya bile yeltenmezler.

Üniversiteler dışında bir de Fachhochschule ya da Hochschule isminde Türkçeye “Uygulamalı bilimler Üniversitesi” olarak çevrilecek okullar vardır. Bu okulların uygulamalı dönemleri dolayısı ile farklı müfredatları vardır. Öğrenciler son yıllarını firmalarda, fabrikalarda vs. staj yaparak geçirir ve reel sektörün dinamiklerine daha aşina olurlar. Mezuniyet sonrası iş bulmaları da daha kolay olabilir. ( Bkz. Fachhochschule Nedir? )
Alman üniversitelerinde bazı programlar ise ulusal bazda kontenjanı kısıtlı programlardır ve bu programlardan kabul almak son derece zor olabilir. ( Tıp, Diş Hekimliği, Veterinerlik, Eczacılık .. )
Alman Üniversitelerinde Lisans Eğitimi Kaç Yıldır?
Almanyada lisans eğitimi 6 sömeste yani 3 yıl’dır. ( Tıp, Diş Hekimliği vb. hariç ) Fachhochschule’lerde ise uygulamalı dönemler nedeni ile 7 sömestre yani 3,5 yıl eğitim verilir. Ancak bir lisans programından kabul almanın en temel şartlarından birisi C1 düzeyinde Almanca bilgisidir. Almanca bilgisi yetersiz olan adaylar için “Şartlı Kabul” bazı üniversiteler için mevcuttur ve öğrenim süresine Almanca hazırlık süresi eklenmelidir.
Ücretsiz Alman Üniversiteleri
Almanya’da devlet üniversitelerinde eğitim için bir ücret istenmez. Sadece öğrenci birlikleri sömestre başına 60-70 Euro gibi bir üyelik ücreti ve şehrine göre değişen oranda sömestre bileti ücreti ( 70 -250 Euro ) tahsil ederler. Bu bilet ile okuduğunuz şehir ya da eyalette tüm toplu taşıma araçlarını sömestre boyunca ( 6 Ay ) ücretsiz ve sınırsız kullanım hakkınız olur.
İstisnai olarak, Baden Württemberg eyaleti yabancı öğrencilerden sömestre başına 1500 Euro ücret ister. Bu eyaletteki okullarda, öğrenci birliklerine vereceğiniz ücrete ek bu rakamı ödemek zorundasınız.
Alman Üniversiteleri YÖK Denkliği
Alman üniversitelerinin ister Üniversite, ister Fachhochschule olsun tamamına yakını YÖK akreditedir. Bu durum mezunların denklik alabilecekleri anlamına gelmektedir. Sadece bazı bölümlerde fark dersler olabilir ve sınava girmek gerekebilir. ( Bkz. Almanya üniversiteleri denklik )
YÖK yönetmeliklerinde dünya sıralamasında ilk 1000 okul içerisinde olan okul mezunlarına direkt olarak denklik verileceği yazmaktadır. Aşağıdaki harita size bu okullar hakkında kısa fikirler vermek amacı ile oluşturuldu. İşte Almanya’nın en tanınmış üniversiteleri:
Almanya Üniversite Haritası
Aşağıdaki haritada ilk 1000 içerisindeki okulların konumları, Türkiye’den ulaşım koşulları , öne çıkan program ve araştırma konuları gibi alanlarda kısa bir rehber hazırladım. Baden Württemberg eyaletinde uluslararası öğrencilerden sömestre başına 1500 Euro ücret alındığından bu eyaleti farklı bir renge boyadım. Haritadaki simgelerin üzerine tıkladığınızda kısa açıklamaları okuyabilirsiniz.
Daha önce de bahsetmiş olduğum Fachhochschule ( Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversiteleri ) bu haritada yok ancak haritadaki konumların hemen hepsinde bu okullardan var. Fachhochschule’lerde direkt denklik olmasa da denklik konusunda sıkıntı çıkma olasılığının hemen hemen hiç olmayacağını hatırlatırım. Bu konudaki daha detaylı bilgilere ve bu okulların farklılıklarına buradan ulaşabilirsiniz.
Okullarla ilgili kendi gözlem ve deneyimlerimi paylaştığım yazılara “Okullar” menüsünden ulaşabilirsiniz.
Haritayı düzgün görebilmek için telefonunuzu yatay tutmanızı öneririm.

Liste Halinde Almanyanın En iyi Üniversiteleri
Üniversite | Öğrenim Ücreti | Üniversite Hakkında kısa bilgi ve ulaşım seçenekleri |
Erlangen-Nürnberg Üniversitesi | N/A | Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, kısaca FAU, Kuzey Bavyera’nın en büyük üniversitesidir ve araştırma başarılarıyla tanınır. Öğrencilerin üçte ikisi Erlangen’de, üçte biri ise Nürnberg’de eğitim görmektedir. Mühendislik ve doğa bilimleri arasında köprü kuran “İleri Malzeme Mühendisliği” alanındaki araştırmalarıyla öne çıkıyor. Erlangen hakkındaki yazıma buradan, Erlangen-Nürnberg Üniversitesi hakkındaki yazıma ise buradan ulaşabilirsiniz. Nürnberg’e İstanbul’dan direkt uçuş var |
Regensburg Üniversitesi | N/A | Regensburg Üniversitesi Doğu Avrupa dilleri ve kültürleri konusunda uzmanlaşmıştır. Coğrafi konumu nedeniyle okul kendisini Doğu ve Batı Avrupa arasında bir köprü olarak görüyor. Ayrıca bölgenin en büyük hastanesine sahip olması nedeniyle tıp alanında da öne çıkmaktadır. Regensburg, Nürnberg ve Münih’e yaklaşık 1,5 saat uzaklıktadır. |
Münih Teknik Üniversitesi | Kpntrol edin | Münih Teknik Üniversitesi (TUM), Bavyera’daki tek teknik üniversite ve Almanya’nın mükemmeliyet üniversitelerinden biridir. Mükemmel araştırmaları ve ödüllü öğretimiyle tanınır. Uluslararası sıralamalarda her zaman üst sıralarda yer alır. Münih Almanya’nın en pahalı şehri olmasına rağmen, okul çok popülerdir. Münih Teknik Üniversitesi, 2024 yılından itibaren yabancı öğrencilerden ücret alacağını duyurdu. Bir program için eğitim ücreti, çalışma alanına dayanmaktadır ve her Lisans ve Yüksek Lisans programı için Kasım 2023’te açıklanacaktır. Dönem başına eğitim ücreti genellikle Lisans programları için 2,000 veya 3,000 avro ve Yüksek Lisans programları için 4,000 veya 6,000 avro olacaktır. Münih yazıma buradan, TUM yazıma ise buradan ulaşabilirsiniz. Münih’e ulaşım çok rahat ve birçok direkt uçuş var |
Münih Ludwig Maximilians Universitesi | N/A | Neredeyse tüm sıralamalarda Avrupa’nın en iyi üniversitelerinden biri olarak gösterilen LMU, Almanya’nın en büyük yüz yüze üniversitesidir. Son derece geniş program yelpazesi ve şehrin çekiciliği burayı uluslararası öğrenciler arasında popüler kılıyor. Ancak şehrin Almanya’nın en pahalı şehri olduğunu da hatırlatmalıyım. Münih ile ilgili yazıma buradan, LMU ile ilgili yazıma ise buradan ulaşabilirsiniz. Münih’e ulaşmak çok kolay ve birçok direkt uçuş var |
Üniversite | Öğrenim Ücreti | Üniversite Hakkında kısa bilgi ve ulaşım seçenekleri |
Freiburg Albert Ludwig Universitesi | 1500 Euro / Sömestre | Freiburg Albert Ludwig Üniversitesi, Almanya’nın ve dünyanın en prestijli eğitim kurumlarından biri olarak kabul ediliyor. Eğitime İstanbul’un fethinden sadece 4 yıl sonra başlamıştır. Bugüne kadar on Nobel Ödülü sahibi ve on üç Leibniz Ödülü sahibi yetiştirmiştir. Okul özellikle teoloji, tıp ve hukuk alanlarında adından söz ettirmiştir. Ancak sadece bu alanlarda eğitim vermemektedir. Son yıllarda elverişli konumu sayesinde yenilenebilir enerji (özellikle güneş enerjisi), biyoteknoloji ve ormancılık alanlarındaki araştırmalarda da ön sıralarda yer almıştır. Ancak Baden Württemberg eyaletinin yabancı öğrencilerden dönem başına 1500 avro ücret aldığını hatırlatmak isterim. Freiburg ile ilgili yazıma buradan, Freiburg Üniversitesi ile ilgili yazıma ise buradan ulaşabilirsiniz. Freiburg tabiri caizse biraz yol dışında kalıyor ama ılıman iklimiyle biliniyor. Ulaşım İsviçre’nin Basel kenti üzerinden yaklaşık 1 saat sürüyor. |
Konstanz Üniversitesi | 1500 Euro / Sömestre | 1966 yılında kurulan üniversite “Cennette bilim!” sloganını kullanmaktadır. Konstanz Gölü’nün güzel dağ manzarasında eğitim görmek harika. Ancak üniversite, Almanya’daki 11 mükemmeliyet üniversitesinden biri olduğu için bilimsel açıdan da ileri düzeydedir. Almanya’nın en genç üniversitelerinden biridir ve tıp ve doğa bilimlerine odaklanmaktadır. Baden Württemberg eyaletinin uluslararası öğrencilerden dönem başına 1500 avro ücret aldığını unutmayın. Konstanz’a ulaşım 1 saatlik tren yolculuğu ile Zürih’ten daha kolaydır. |
Würzburg Üniversitesi | N/A | 1402 yılında kurulan Würzburg Üniversitesi, yüzyıllar boyunca mükemmel bir üne sahip olmuştur: X-ışınlarını keşfeden Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen ve diğer 13 bilim insanı Nobel Ödülü’ne layık görülmüştür. Julius Maximilians Üniversitesi’nde tıp ve hukuk gibi geleneksel konulardan Uzak Doğu kültürleri gibi egzotik konulara ve dijital beşeri bilimler ya da nanoteknoloji gibi geleceğe yönelik disiplinler arası konulara kadar geniş bir yelpazede eğitim alabilirsiniz. Würzburg hakkındaki yazıma buradan, Würzburg Üniversitesi hakkındaki yazıma ise buradan ulaşabilirsiniz. Würzburg’a Frankfurt veya Nürnberg’den trenle yaklaşık 1-1,5 saatte ulaşılabiliyor. |
Ulm Üniversitesi | 1500 Euro / Sömestre | Almanya’nın en genç üniversitelerinden biri olan üniversite, tıp ve doğa bilimleri üzerine odaklanıyor. Genç bir üniversite olmasına rağmen üniversite sıralamalarında çok iyi bir konumda olduğu düşünülüyor. Ancak Baden Württemberg eyaletinin uluslararası öğrencilerden dönem başına 1500 Euro ücret aldığını hatırlatayım. Ulm’a ulaşım Stuttgart ya da Münih üzerinden yaklaşık 2 saat sürüyor. |
Bayreuth Üniversitesi | N/A | Almanya’nın küçük üniversitelerinden biri. Birçok işletme ve hukuk öğrencisinin yanı sıra, sağlık ve spor ekonomistleri, malzeme bilimcileri, tiyatro öğrencileri, jeoekologlar ve diğer egzotik insanlar (egzotik diyorum çünkü bizde böyle sıfatlar yok) büyük kampüste takılıyor. Üniversite özellikle Bambara, Svahili ve Endonezya dillerinde de kurslar veren dil merkeziyle tanınıyor. Bayreuth hakkındaki yazıma buradan, Bayreuth Üniversitesi hakkındaki yazıma ise buradan ulaşabilirsiniz. Ulaşım Nürnberg üzerinden yaklaşık 1 saat sürüyor. |
Üniversite | Öğrenim Ücreti | Üniversite Hakkında kısa bilgi ve ulaşım seçenekleri |
Lüneburg Üniversitesi | N/A | The Leuphana University of Lüneburg was established by a special law of the Lower Saxony state parliament to rethink the university and create a model university for the Bologna Process. Sustainability is not just a faculty at the University of Lüneburg. “Sustainable Sustainability” is also their motto. In this context, most of the electricity on campus is generated in-house. Lüneburg can be reached in 40 minutes via Hamburg. |
Rostock Üniversitesi | N/A | Founded in 1419, the university stands out especially in educational sciences and teaching. However, it is also highly respected in the field of medicine, especially due to the importance it attaches to practice. As with all universities on the German seaside, marine sciences are among the leading disciplines. It takes approximately 2.5 hours to reach Rostock from Hamburg or Berlin. |
Greifswald Üniversitesi | N/A | Founded in 1456, Ernst Moritz Arndt University Greifswald is one of the oldest universities in Central Europe. Today it is known as an international university with good relations with its Scandinavian and Baltic neighbours, as well as with the USA and Western Europe, especially through its language programmes. The school specialises in natural sciences, which originate from Greifswald’s natural environment, and technology (e.g. biotechnology and nuclear fusion), which originates from its research institutes. You need to reach Greifswald from Berlin. This will take approximately 4.5 hours by train or bus. |
Berlin Freie Üniversitesi | N/A | The Freie Universität Berlin is one of the 20 largest universities in Germany and one of the eleven elite universities included in the “Excellence Initiative” program with the concept of “International Distinguished University”. The Freie Universität Berlin is currently in direct cooperation and partnerships with 114 universities worldwide on all continents. Compared to other German universities, FU Berlin has by far the most international connections. You can find direct flights to Berlin from almost anywhere in the world. |
Humboldt Universitesi | N/A | Founded in 1810, the Humboldt University of Berlin is still considered the “mother of all modern universities”. Wilhelm von Humboldt’s ideas – the unity of research and teaching, freedom of science and the all-round education of students – are still relevant today. The city of Berlin and the school’s wide range of programs are an attraction for international students. You can find my article about Humboldt University here There are direct flights to Berlin from almost anywhere in the world. |
University | Study Fee | About University and Access |
European University of Flensburg | N/A | Germany’s northernmost campus – and probably the greenest! Founded by the British in 1946, Flensburg University was a teacher training college until 1994. Therefore, the subject of education/pedagogy, teaching or interdisciplinary educational sciences is still the most important focus. In addition, it is known for its master programmes on energy and sustainability. To get to Flensburg, you should probably fly to Hamburg and take a train journey of about 2 hours from there. |
Christian Albrechts University Kiel | N/A | CAU is the only full research university in Schleswig-Holstein. In recent years, it has become particularly prominent in the fields of marine sciences, life sciences (society, environment and culture in transition), nanosciences and surface research. Kiel can be reached via Hamburg, 1 hour 20 minutes by RE7 or RE70 |
University of Lübeck | N/A | Its motto is: “Focus on life”, the University of Lübeck was founded in 1964 as a medical academy. Today it offers programmes in the fields of human medicine, computer science, molecular life science, mathematics and life sciences in medicine and medical engineering. The intensive transfer of knowledge and technology with companies in the region is the most important factor. You can reach Lübeck from Hamburg by train RE8 or RE80, a journey of around 50 minutes. |
University of Hamburg | N/A | With around 44,000 students, the University of Hamburg is one of the largest universities in Germany. It is particularly known for climate research. The university has been awarded the German Cluster of Excellence “Photon and Nanosciences: Advanced Imaging of Matter”, “Mathematics, particle physics, astrophysics, cosmology: Quantum Universe”, “Manuscript Research: Understanding Manuscripts” and “Integrated Climate Analysis and Forecasting” are funded as part of the Excellence Initiative. You can find my article about Hamburg here and my article about the University of Hamburg here. Hamburg can be reached by regular flights from different cities around the world. |
Technical University of Hamburg | N/A | “Technology for people” is the motto of the Hamburg University of Technology. It stands out with programmes in which technology and sustainability are a common focus. Green Technology, Life Science Technology, Aviation and Maritime Systems are the main topics that define the profile of TU Hamburg. You can find my article about Hamburg here. You can reach Hamburg with regular flights from different cities around the world. |
University | Study Fee | About University and Access |
Technical University of Berlin | N/A | Located in the heart of Berlin, within walking distance of the famous Kurfürstendamm, the Technical University Berlin is one of the largest, renowned technical universities in Germany. TU Berlin has proven itself internationally and is ranked among the top 150 universities by rating agencies. For this reason, it is very popular with international students. You can find direct flights to Berlin from almost anywhere in the world. |
University of Potsdam | N/A | Founded in 1991 after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the University of Potsdam is a sought-after university in the Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan area with 20,000 students. Located just 30 minutes from the capital, the school offers the full range of programs you would expect from a university, with the exception of medicine. Although the main focus is on educational sciences, the school also makes a name for itself in computer science, earth sciences and life sciences. Potsdam is half an hour from Berlin and 1 hour from Berlin Brandenburg Airport. |
Leipzig University | N/A | It was founded in 1409. This makes it one of the oldest universities in the world and the second oldest in Germany. The school’s motto is “crossing borders by tradition” and it offers a wide range of programs covering almost all disciplines. Leipzig is easier to reach during the summer months, but alternatively you can reach Leipzig via Berlin, Hanover or Nuremberg, a drive of about 2.5 hours. |
Technical University of Dresden | N/A | The Technical University of Dresden is one of the largest and most dynamic technical universities in Germany. Although it is called “Technical University”, it has a wide range of programs. One out of every seven students enrolled at TUD is foreign. The fact that it attracts so many foreign students is seen as a symbol of its international reputation. Air transportation to Dresden is via Leipzig. Alternatively, you have to travel around 2 hours by high speed train or 3 hours by bus from Berlin. |
Halle University | N/A | Dating back to 1502, the University of Halle-Wittenberg is the largest and oldest university in Saxony-Anhalt. The law program is popular as it ranks high in Germany. The university usually specializes in social sciences. However, with its unusual programs, it can offer a variety of options for many students. It is easier to get to Halle by plane in the summer months, but in the winter months there is a high-speed train alternative via Berlin. It is possible to reach Halle with a comfortable journey of 1 hour and 15 minutes. |
University | Study Fee | About University and Access |
Saarland University | N/A | Located in the border triangle of Germany, France and Luxembourg, the school is a 2-hour train ride from Paris. Its campus is home to a number of specialized research institutes, some of which are affiliated with independent research communities and private companies. These include the Max Planck Institute for Computer Science; the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems; the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence; and the Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering. Saarland can be reached in 3 hours from Frankfurt airport and 2 hours from Paris train station. In summer, there are direct flights from many European cities. |
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | 1500 Euro / Semester | Founded in 2009, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is one of Europe’s leading technical universities, a merger of the Karlsruhe Research Center and the University of Karlsruhe. The school combines university and large-scale research, offering you a unique link between research and teaching. While studying here you will be involved in cutting-edge research in areas such as artificial intelligence, climate, energy, mobility and smart technologies. However, international students in Baden Württemberg are charged 1500 euros per semester. You can find my article about Karlsruhe here and my article about the KIT here. Karlsruhe is approximately 1.5 hours drive from Stuttgart |
University of Stuttgart | 1500 Euro / Semester | The main focus is clearly on technical and natural sciences. However, you can also study humanities and social sciences subjects at the University of Stuttgart. It has a global reputation in fields such as automotive engineering, automated manufacturing and aerospace engineering. But let me remind you that the state of Baden Württemberg charges international students 1500 euros per semester. Transportation to Stuttgart is easy. There are regular flights every day. |
University of Hohenheim | 1500 Euro / Semester | Hohenheim is Germany’s number 1 for agricultural research and food science. It is Germany’s largest agricultural university in terms of area, with many experimental farms, fields, meadows and greenhouses. For students, this means, above all, many opportunities for practical application. The Bachelor’s degree in “Agricultural Biology”, which combines biology and agricultural sciences, is unique in Germany. The common focus of all departments is “Bioeconomics”, which researches the production of new food and feed, means of energy production, chemicals and plastics from plants. Here, you can set a focus during your foundation studies and create one of the three profile courses yourself. Let me remind you that the state charges international students 1500 euros per semester. Transportation to Stuttgart is easy. There are regular flights every day. |
University of Tubingen | 1500 Euro / Semester | The University of Tübingen is one of the oldest universities in Europe and still remains popular today, with renowned researchers and academics over the centuries, with fields such as history and economics at the forefront. However, international students in the state of Baden Württemberg are charged 1500 euros per semester. Tubingen is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes from Stuttgart. |
University | Study Fee | About University and Access |
University of Magdeburg | N/A | Founded in 1993, the Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg is one of the youngest universities in Germany. It offers programs in engineering and natural sciences, medicine, humanities, social and economic sciences, but about half of the students choose a technical degree. The journey to Magdeburg is via Hanover and takes 1 hour and 20 minutes by high-speed train. |
Technical University of Braunschweig | N/A | The Technical University of Braunschweig is the oldest technical university in Germany and has a history of over 275 years. The school is ranked in the top 10 in many fields throughout Germany and is highly praised in the fields of architecture, electrical engineering, civil engineering and mechanical engineering, especially computer science. You can reach Braunschweig via Hanover in around 50 minutes by RE and 35 minutes by high-speed train. |
University of Göttingen | N/A | Founded in 1737, Georg-August University Göttingen is one of Germany’s leading research universities. The University of Göttingen, an internationally recognised university, is ranked 4th among the top 10 best universities to study in Germany according to students’ evaluations. The school is very popular with Chinese students. The school is a leader in physics research and has direct links with more than 40 Nobel Prize winners, including physicists Max Born, Werner Heisenberg, Max Planck and Otto Stern. Getting to Göttingen is easy and takes 40 minutes by high-speed train from Hanover. |
Hannover Medical University | N/A | Medical University of Hannover (known as MHH for short), which was officially founded in 1965 and started education with 41 students, is one of the best medical schools in Germany with its position in medical research today. The school, which is famous for being extremely research-oriented, is “Germany’s only Medical University” with only medical programs, which I know and follow well because my son is studying here. You can find my article about Hannover here and my article about the MHH here. You can reach Hannover with regular flights. |
Leibniz University Hannover | N/A | Leibniz University Hannover was founded in 1831. Known as “Hannover Technical University” until a few years ago, you can actually receive education in almost every field (except medicine). However, it has particular strengths in technical and scientific subjects. Seven institutes are conducting joint research in the Centre for Production Technology, including the factory of the future. At the end of 2015, lasers, with which gravitational waves were measured for the first time, were developed at the Albert Einstein Institute 100 years after Albert Einstein’s theoretical prediction. You can reach Hanover with regular flights. |
University | Study Fee | About University and Access |
University of Bielefeld | N/A | Bielefeld University is a new university, founded only in 1969. Originally focusing on history and sociology, it now also has a very good reputation for law, biology and robotics. Bielefeld can be reached by high-speed train from Hanover in around 50 minutes. |
University of Osnabrück | N/A | Founded in 1974, the University of Osnabrück has nine departments: humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, law and economics. Although it is still a very small university, it has found a place in the top 1000 universities. To ensure that teaching is not too theoretical, the school offers numerous opportunities for students to get involved in practice at an early stage. Osnabrück can easily be reached in around 1.5 hours from Hanover |
University of Bremen | N/A | It is one of the leading research universities in Germany and Europe, offering around 100 undergraduate/graduate programmes. The university, which maintains close cooperation with non-university research institutions in the region, carries out research on many topics from the depths of the seas to outer space in cooperation with many research institutions within the “Research Alliance” established in 2016. You can find my article about Bremen here and my article about the University of Bremen here. You can reach Bremen with regular flights. |
Jacobs University | Visit Web Site | Germany’s most internationally recognised private university. The school in Bremen, whose English-language undergraduate programmes are very popular, ranks between 400-500th among the top 1000 universities. More than 1,450 students from more than 110 countries study at the school. You can reach Bremen with regular flights. |
University of Oldenburg | N/A | Oldenburg is a small town in the north of Germany with a beautifully preserved historical structure, which I particularly like. The Carl von Ossietzky University, founded in 1973, is particularly prominent in the fields of wind energy, medicine and hearing technology. Its innovative approach has a good reputation far beyond Lower Saxony. You can find my article about Oldenburg here and my article about the University of Oldenburg here. Oldenburg can be reached quite easily from Bremen in 30 minutes. |
University | Study Fee | About University and Access |
University of Münster | N/A | The Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU) is one of the largest universities in Germany with more than 45,000 students. It is often considered some of the best universities in the country. The University of Münster has a reputation for excellence in interdisciplinary research in medicine, business, mathematics and chemistry. There are direct flights to Münster, more frequent in the summer months, but mostly it is a 1.5 hour journey via Düsseldorf. |
Technical University of Dortmund | N/A | Since its foundation in 1968, the Technical University of Dortmund has acquired a special profile with 16 faculties in the fields of natural and engineering sciences, social and cultural sciences. In particular, the school focuses on materials science, production technology and logistics, chemical biology, active ingredients and process engineering, data analysis, modeling and simulation. You can find my article about Dortmund here and my article about the TU Dortmund here. If you do not have a direct flight to Dortmund, you can reach Düsseldorf via RE1 or RE6, a journey of around 1 hour |
Ruhr University Bochum | N/A | Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) is one of Germany’s top universities and offers one of the widest ranges of programs in all of Germany. In recent years, however, it has started to focus on medicine, neuroscience, materials research, plasma technology and IT security. Bochum can be reached in 40 minutes via Düsseldorf; |
University of Duisburg-Essen | N/A | With 42,000 students enrolled, it is one of the 10 largest universities in Germany. It was formed by the merger of the universities of two different cities. The university focuses on nanosciences, biomedical sciences, urban systems, change in contemporary societies and empirical educational research. In 2009, educational sciences, business administration and mathematics were also recognized as strong research areas. Essen is a 30-minute drive from Düsseldorf |
Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf | N/A | In addition to the traditionally strong medical and life sciences, the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf has recently begun to make a name for itself in the fields of law and economics. The university relies on internationally networked research centers and distinguished subjects such as Japanese culture. You can find my article about Düsseldorf here and my article about the University of Düsseldorf here. As Düsseldorf is an exhibition center, direct transportation is very convenient. |
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University of Wuppertal | N/A | Founded in 1972 as a comprehensive university as part of the NRW education initiative, Bergische Universität Wuppertal is a research-oriented university. University. It offers more than 100 diverse programs, including disciplines and courses not offered at any other university in Germany. Good mentoring rates as well as a wide range of services and funding options make the school stand out among the big mass universities. Wuppertal is 20 minutes from Düsseldorf. |
University of Siegen | N/A | The University of Siegen is a medium-sized university with 4 faculties with a focus on pedagogy, education and social relations as well as media and social research. Siegen is a 1.5-hour train ride from Cologne. |
University of Cologne | N/A | Founded in 1388, the University of Cologne is one of the oldest universities in Europe and one of the best German universities. With its six faculties, it offers a wide range of academic disciplines and internationally distinguished profile areas. There is a Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Humanities. Cologne is easy to reach with direct flights. |
University of Bonn | N/A | Founded 200 years ago, the University of Bonn is recognized as one of the most important institutes of higher education, not only in Germany but also in Europe as a whole, and is held in extraordinary esteem. The university has been home to many Nobel Prize-winning researches and prides itself on this at every opportunity. It is especially respected in mathematics all over the world. You can find my article about Bonn here and my article about the University of Bonn here. Bonn is easy to reach with direct flights. |
RWTH Aachen | N/A | RWTH is Germany’s most internationally recognized engineering school. It is especially legendary for its “Mechanical” and “Electrical” engineering programs and is famous for producing the best engineers in the world. You can find my article about Aachen here and my article about the RWTH here. Aachen is a 1-hour train ride from Cologne. |
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University of Kassel | N/A | The University of Kassel was founded in 1971 as a reform university and since 2003 more than 24,000 students have been studying at the university. The University of Kassel has positioned itself as an environmental university. More than 60 specializations focus on environmental protection and sustainability. Kassel is a 1-hour high-speed train ride from Hanover. |
Philipps University of Marburg | N/A | Philipps University of Marburg, founded in 1527, has an excellent reputation in the world of science and teaching. So far, 11 Nobel prizes and 13 Leibniz prizes have been awarded to scientists who have studied or taught here. This reputation brings research scientists and third-party funding to the school. Therefore, the university is extremely well equipped. Marburg can be reached by train from Frankfurt airport in 1 hour and 15 minutes. |
Justus Liebig University Giessen | N/A | Justus Liebig University Giessen is a school with a history of nearly four centuries. It offers a wide range of programs and is the largest school in Giessen, which can be considered a university city. From medicine to engineering, from natural sciences to social sciences, you have the opportunity to study a wide range of subjects. You can find my article about Giessen here. Giessen is a 1-hour train ride from Frankfurt airport. |
Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt | N/A | Frankfurt Johann Wolfgang Goethe University is the 4th largest university in Germany with 46,000 students. Founded in 1914, the university stands out with Germany’s first independent faculty of natural sciences, the first business law program, the first sociology department and the first business management department. In addition to natural sciences with these pioneering features (let me tell you that Quantum Physics was born here and won 19 Nobel Prizes), Frankfurt is one of the leading universities in the field of finance and monetary policy all over the world due to its financial center. You can find my article about Frankfurt here and my article about the University of Frankfurt here. There are direct flights to Frankfurt from almost everywhere in the world |
Technical University of Darmstadt | N/A | Although the Technical University of Darmstadt is known nationwide for its good engineering degrees (the first Chair of Electrical Engineering in the world was established here – 1882. Germany’s first female engineer graduated from the school – 1913), departments such as Psychology and Biology are also of interest throughout Germany. You can find my article about Darmstadt here and my article about the TU Darmstadt here. You can reach Darmstadt by RE from Frankfurt, a comfortable 20 minute drive. |
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University of Jena | N/A | Founded in 1558, the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena is one of the oldest universities in Germany and still very popular. It is particularly focused on the fields of biology/ecology, biotechnology, humanities and, of course, optics and photonics – as it is the headquarters of the world-famous Carl-Zeiss group. Transportation to Jena can be a bit troublesome. It takes 2.5 hours from Berlin, but you have to change in Halle. It is also possible to reach Jena from Nuremberg, but it takes 3 hours and 20 minutes. |
Heidelberg University | 1500 Euro / Semester | Heidelberg University, Germany’s oldest and in some areas the best university, is celebrating its 635th anniversary. Since its foundation, the university has offered education in fields such as theology, law and medicine, and is also the best-known German university internationally. The oldest and best-known universities in the country are in the state of Baden Württemberg, but it is said that since 2018, this state has not received as many applications as before, as it charges international students tuition fees (1500 Euros per semester) You can find my article about Heidelberg here and my article about the University of Heidelberg here. Heidelberg can be reached via Frankfurt. It will take around 1 hour 45 minutes by bus or 1 hour by high speed train. |
University of Mannheim | 1500 Euro / Semester | The University of Mannheim is recognized throughout Europe for its economics and social sciences. It is one of the smaller and younger universities in Germany. Given its impressive academic credentials, Mannheim has educated and employed some of Germany’s leading scientists, including numerous Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize winners. Let me remind you that the state of Baden Württemberg charges international students 1500 euros per semester. You can find my article about Mannheim here . Mannheim can be reached by high speed train from Frankfurt in 30 minutes. |
University of Mainz | N/A | One of the oldest and largest universities in Germany. Apart from engineering, you can study almost anything you want at the university. Programs range from African and other European languages/cultures to film and media studies, from law and medicine to dentistry. You can find my article about Mainz here and my article about the University of Mainz here. Mainz can be reached in half an hour by city train from Frankfurt airport. |
Technical University of Kaiserslautern | N/A | Founded in 1970, the twelve departments of the Technical University of Kaiserslautern offer a wide range of courses for all technology enthusiasts. Most courses take an interdisciplinary approach. This way, students can develop an understanding of the relevant disciplines during their studies. The university has a particularly good reputation in mathematics and computer science. Students also benefit from direct links with various research institutes in the immediate vicinity of the university. Kaiserslautern can be reached by train from Frankfurt in just under 2 hours |
Yukarıdaki listede sadece bir adet özel üniversite var ( Bremen Jacobs Üniversitesi ). Diğer okulların tamamı devlet üniversitesi ve Baden Württemberg eyaleti dışındakilerde yabancı öğrenci olarak ek ücret ödemiyorsunuz. Almanya’da okumak istediğiniz okulu seçerken, okulun denkliği yanında konumu ve bulunduğu şehir de bence önemli bir faktör. Özellikle büyük şehirde yaşamış biriyseniz Almanya’nın pek çok şehri size Anadolu kasabası havası verecektir.
Biz büyükşehirlerde yaşayanlar artık hemen her şeye kısa sürede ulaşmaya o kadar alışmışız ki Almanya ilk gittiğinizde okulunuzun bulunduğu şehir ya da konakladığınız semt itibari ile size köy gibi gelecektir. Bizde alıştığınız rahatlıkları orda bulamamanız, planlı yaşamak zorunda olmanız sizi ilk aşamada mutsuz edebilir. Alışmak zaman alacaktır. Ancak büyük şehirler oradaki hayata daha rahat adapte olmanız konusunda avantaj sunarlar. Daha çok seçenek ve zaman kazanabilirsiniz. İyi düşünüp karar verin lütfen. Okulun adı iyi diyerek yıllarca eziyet çekmek de var şimdiden söylemiş olayım. Almanya konusunda en az endişelenmeniz gereken şey okulunuz olmalı. Almanya’da lisans eğitimi kaliteleri tüm ülke genelinde hemen hemen aynıdır. Konu doktora olunca uzmanlıklar, olanaklar ve hocalar önem kazanır. Orada iyi araştırma yapmak gerekir. Şehirlerle ilgili gözlem ve yaşam şartlarına ilişkin yazılarıma “Şehir-Yaşam” bölümünden ulaşabilirsiniz.
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